Every now and then, something special pops into our inbox that completely lights up our day. An email from a client who took a moment just to share their gratitude or how much they love their new home, really gives us a lift.
Then there was this email from Ange. To give you a bit of backstory, Ange runs this amazing company called 'What Lies Beneath'. They've been diving deep, researching our former clients to pinpoint areas where we might make our service even better. Our marketing budget? Think miniscule! We rely heavily on the age-old, tried and true method of word of mouth. It's the heart of our business. So, you can imagine just how much we value genuine feedback and relationships.

From left - Gavin (TG Director), Ange (What Lies Beneath), Tracy (What Lies Beneath), Aaron (TG Director)
We hadn’t spoken to Ange for a little while, so when her email landed out of nowhere, it was definitely a highlight for us! Shared with permission.
From Ange 'What Lies Beneath'
Hi team l’m not sure where I imagined this going, my fingers just tapped it out, but figured it would be nice for you to read regardless,
Thorne Group is full of the nicest blimmin people you’ll ever meet.
I remember reading about them in a magazine and feeling a bit jelly, like they were too good to be true. They’re a mostly family business of hard working, caring and down to earth people, who are also super styley and just generally impressive.
It’s so rare for me to feel shy or inferior, and it’s weird to even write this, but when the opportunity landed to work with them I felt in awe and a bit unworthy. Because they were all of those things and so much more.
They have been the most supportive, grateful clients, reaching out on personal and professional levels and speaking so highly of Tracy and I and what we do.
They’ve had more than their fair share of really tough happenings over the last few years, but they way they handle things both head-on and and with grace and kindness is inspirational.
We’ve spoken to about 30 of their clients so far, and I’ve been moved to (silent!) tears numerous times by their personal touch, their dignity and the impact that has had on people’s lives.
I’m so proud to have Thorne Group as (repeat) clients, and to have even shared a sunrise swim with siblings Aaron and Lisa in the most perfect conditions. Definitely one for the memory bank (& I’ve had a lot of swims!).
Congrats on 17 years in business you guys. I have so much respect for your commitment to always doing the next right thing, your care for each other, your staff, your clients and for us.
Ange – What Lies Beneath
Thank you Ange, your email made our day :)
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